Sunday, 7 December 2008

The wrong way round!

A friend of mine told me the funniest story today, she was walking around her local shopping centre and saw a guy she has had a secret crush on for donkey years(hehehe!!!) well what i'm about to tell you will make sur ethat he never forgets her! My dear friend spotted the guy, and started to get "happy"- see girls when you see a guy u like stop with this excitement business, WE ARE NOT 16 anymore, this only serves the purpose of getting us in trouble, as my good friend will justify because as she spotted him, he spotted her, but was in a more sensible position than she was "SITTING DOWN" this guy waved to her and smiled(damn boys and their sexy smiles...grrr...) and what did my friend do, she waved and smiled right back and promptly walked into a door....and just whne you think it couldn't get any worse, the motion made a bang so loud that most people in the vacinity heard and turned to look, and probably point and laugh. Now myself and my friend laughed over this, but don't get it twisted she was mortified, hahahahaha, and she didn't even turn back to see if the guys saw(or heard) cos that would probably have been even more horrifying than the act itself. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that's me sorted for the rest of the week!
See ladies men can really turn your head(literally!) THE WRONG WAY!!!

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